Robert Rahmani, MD
Dr. Rahmani specializes in Internal Medicine, Adult Cardiology, Nuclear Cardiology and Vascular Sonography. He has over a dozen medical licenses and certifications. Among other credentials, he is board certified in nuclear cardiology and a diplomate of internal medicine, cardiovascular disease and echocardiography. Maintaining a private cardiology practice with offices in Great Neck and Forest Hills, he is affiliated with three branches of North Shore – LIJ Hospital: Manhasset, New Hyde Park, and Forest Hills.
After graduating as an honors student with a B.A. from Yeshiva University, Dr. Robert Rahmani received his medical degree from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYCOM) in Old Westbury, New York and was listed in 2002 on the “Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges.” During his tenure as a medical student, Dr. Rahmani distinguished himself in seven different specialties, including Cardiology, Pulmonology and Gastroenterology. His post-doctoral training as an intern and resident took place at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City as well as Northside Hospital & Tampa Bay Heart Institute in Florida.
Dr. Rahmani has made a multitude of medical presentations in both New York and Florida on topics related to cardiovascular disease. He has also done independent and collaborative work on a wide range of medical issues.